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April 28, 2011

Crocodile Roulette - Developer Notes

Crocodile Roulette, or called Crocodile dentist, is a common toy. Most of people have played or seen this kind of toy in the toy store or market. The original design is let the player pretend to be a dentist and extract teeth for a fearful crocodile. (This game is unusual, ridiculous and funny. Who wants to extract tooth for crocodile without purpose? Sorry for my digression, ha! Let's come back to the subject.) If you are not lucky, you will be bitten by crocodile as you extract the tooth which the ache one.  This kind of game had been made already on App. But, most of all only can bite once or one person. I question why it can't bite several times in a round. We may need to pick 2 person or more from a group when we play a game. So, we started to design an upgrade version of Crocodile Roulette. Even this game doesn't get a lot of compliments; I think the score for this idea is 90.

鱷魚咬手指或稱鱷魚牙醫是常見的小玩具,這個相信大家都在夜市或文具店都買的到或曾經玩過.他原本的設計是你是一名牙醫,你要為兇惡的鱷魚拔牙(現在想想這個故事設計很不尋常,很荒繆,也很搞笑,誰沒事會去幫鱷魚拔牙呢 XD ) , 有點離題,如果你運氣不好的話,剛好拔到鱷魚牙痛的那一顆你就會被咬.這個app其實有人做過了,但是我搜尋其他人的設計都只設計成只咬一口或只咬一個人,所以我就想到了為何不能咬多人呢?一群人在玩時常常需要找出二個人以上接受懲罰,於是我就開始動手做了,最後成品就是你們看到的這樣.雖然這個app不怎麼受好評,但我給自己創意發想的分數是90分.

April 26, 2011

Crocodile Roulette

You can't decide who buy dinner , who walk the dog , who clean the house , who wash wash dishes ... Don't worry , let crocodile to make decision for you.
It is also a game for a meeting or a birthday party. For example: You can make more fun at your party with crocodile roulette. You can decide who can drink beer at the party.
You push the tooth of crocodile and then nothing happen. You are luck. If crocodile mouth is shut, you should drink beer.
Good choice~~ Crocodile~~
It is also called "crocodile dentist" or "whose turn game".


April 10, 2011

Kid Musical Toys - Developer Notes

It’s a cool idea to make cell phone as a music toy. Some creators designed the similar games before, such as the ocarina, piano and guitar. These games seem interesting and creative. So, we started to develop a series of music toy game for children. In practice, we took more time to design the operation of game. This game needs to take cell phone as a music instrument. It should be able to operate easily if we hope this game can be fun. Furthermore, we also make graphics and interface design into a children's favorite look.


April 1, 2011

Chinese Dark Chess - Developer Notes

Chinese dark chess is a common & popular game in Chinese world. We concentrate on developing Chinese dark chess which is simpler and just played on a half chessboard instead of complete Chinese chess because many people designed the game for complete Chinese chess already.

Initially, we only designed the version of two players. AI function had been added later. We asked for trouble unexpectedly as we added AI function. It’s not easy to write the original AI artificial intelligence. The first version of AI is not smart because we try to prevent AI cheating and let AI make decision only base on the current information and the situation that have occurred. So, many users complained about AI on Android market at the beginning. Frankly speaking, we suffered from it and dared not to check the message from Android market at that time. Then, we realized such a high requirement for the free version and upgrade version around end of May. This time, we did our best to improve AI even it is still not smart enough. Interestingly, some users turn to complained AI is getting smarter and cheating. We take it as compliments.

We will not have much upgrade for AI afterwards because human brains are always smarter than AI. The only thing we considered is to do the version of online game next year. It may be more interesting to let human brains fight each other.

暗棋是華人世界裡很普遍的遊戲,由於象棋全盤的軍棋已經有很多人做了,所以把心思放在較為簡易的半盤暗棋上.初期只有做二人輪流對奕的版本,後來想了想又加入人工AI對奕的部份,沒想到是自找麻煩的開始,原來AI人工智慧這麼難寫,因為我們不打算讓電腦做弊,只能用現在的資訊及已發生的資訊來判斷電腦的最佳棋步.所以第一代的電腦AI超笨,常常在android market留這版上看到使用者駡電腦腦殘,其實我們也很難受,沒想到大家對免費版本要求這麼高,也有一陣子我很怕去看留言版.直到5月底我們才又大改版了一次,這一次電腦AI自己覺得雖然不是很聰明,但我們盡力了電腦AI已經有一般的表現,甚至有使用者留言又駡說改版後電腦變聰明了做弊......就把他當做對AI的讚美吧.之後應該很少會再對AI做大幅變動,因為我們覺得AI怎麼改都沒有人來的聰明,所以可能會考慮在明年初出個網路對戰版本,就讓人腦對決人腦才有意思吧.
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