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December 20, 2011

Youth Musical Instruments - Available on the App Store

Now, you can download Youth Musical Instruments from android market and app store both. Your kids can have a happy  music carnival whatever your mobile phone is android or iphone system.

現在你可以在android market及apple app store裡下載兒童音樂遊戲,現在你們不管是android手機及iphone手機都能下載了,孩子們可以開始來一場熱鬧的音樂嘉年華啦~

December 15, 2011

Kid Musical Toys - Available on the App Store

Yes! We did it! We have transferred the first program/game from android market to apple app store after working for about  1 month. Now, you can download Kid Musical Toys from android market and app store both. Your kids can have a happy  music carnival whatever your mobile phone is android or iphone system.

是的,我們做到了.經過了一個多月的努力,我們終於移植了第一套app了.所以現在你可以在android market及apple app store裡下載兒童音樂遊戲,現在你們不管是android手機及iphone手機都能下載了,孩子們可以開始來一場熱鬧的音樂嘉年華啦~

November 10, 2011

Count Money Master

Wow~ you may not have seen so much money yet. Don't be rush and try to count how much money is, whether it's U.S. dollars, Euros, Japanese Yen. Just count it. We prepared three modes for playing. 
1.Infinity mode: No limit of time and maximum amount. Just count the money as much as you can. This is your chance to count so much money.
2.Time mode: How much money you can count under the limited time? Just try it and let your fingers do exercises now.
3.Count Mode: There is a sum of money. Can you count how much money right? Just try it by your mental arithmetic ability. 
Finally, you can connect with people around the world on ScoreLoop to compete for who the best count money master is.

3.Count Mode:這裡有一筆錢,你能正確的數出有多少錢嗎?試試你的心算能力吧.最後你還能連上ScoreLoop跟全世界的人比比誰才是真正的數錢達人.

September 23, 2011

Animal Match

This is a simple and interesting match game(match 3 , match three or above) . We prepared a number of lovely images of animals and scenes. You can play this game easily and leisurely. We specially designed a mode for kids. Children will get more tips and opportunity under kid mode. Child’s attention and concentration can be trained and kids can learn space matching logic from this game. Family members can choose their own storage file and compete with each other.
The game is to be conducted to identify a line/row of three or above identical images. The images will disappear as matching and you will get points. The more identical images can be matched once, the higher score you can get.
這是一個簡單而有趣的配對遊戲.我們準備了許多可愛的動物圖像及場景,讓你悠閒且輕鬆的來玩.我們特別設計了孩童模式(kid mod),讓孩子能得到較多的提示及機會,可以訓練孩子的注意力,從中學習空間配對邏輯.家庭成員也可以選擇自己的檔案儲檔,彼此較勁分數的高低.

August 26, 2011

Ocean Puzzle

This is an entertaining and educational puzzle game which introduces various marine creatures. We start from the coast, pass through the coral reef area and to the ocean finally. Visit the magical and mystic marine life by a variety of different environments.
The ocean is the mother of life and carries a diverse and abundant life. 70% of the earth’s surface is composed of ocean. Undoubtedly, there is such rich life system in the blue ocean.Let’s love and understand them from heart. Encourage our children to know more about them and become the hope of marine conservation in the future.
Introduction of the game:
The photo will be cut into 3x3 or 4x4 disarranged pieces. You must put all puzzle pieces at the correct position. You can press "Hint" to check the whole photo or press "introduction" to see the information of the animal. When you complete it, you can set the photo as your wallpaper and go to next game.
海洋是生命之母,孕育了多元且豐富的生命.地球表面有七成是海洋組成,更不用說棲身在蔚藍的大海裡的生物有多麼豐富.讓我 們用關愛的心來認識牠們,並鼓勵我們的孩子多多了解牠們,成為未來保育海洋的希望.

August 4, 2011

Youth Musical Instruments

This is a musical instrument game for youth. There are five common instruments for elementary and junior high school students, including triangle, hand bell, drum, xylophone and tambourine. You will have entertainment of five instruments once. This game is an interesting and educational application. You can accompany with your children to learn how to play these instruments. Furthermore, there are some classic and common children’s music can be played and you can try to play the instrument to follow the rhythm. Let’s experience it!


July 15, 2011

France Puzzle - Developer Notes

The original idea of the game is hope players can enjoy the beautiful scenery like traveling. Due to limit of the program structure, we can’t make much change for the game at once. So, we still make it like puzzle game. For future development, we will enrich sound effects, introduction of view and traveling atmosphere.


France Puzzle

This puzzle game has beautiful photos of several places in France, including Paris, Provins, Mont-Saint-Michel, Strasbourg, Nice, Eze village, Grasse, Avignon, Gordes and Roussillon. You will not only have fun of puzzle game also enjoy France beautiful scenery, like you travel there.
Introduction of the game:
The photo will be cut into 3x3 or 4x4 disarranged pieces. You must put all puzzle pieces at the correct position. You can press “Hint” to check the whole photo or press “introduction” to see the information of the place. When you complete it, you can set the photo as your wallpaper and go to next game.



June 30, 2011

Animal Puzzle - Developer Notes

Puzzle is a common game and most of people think it’s not difficult to develop this kind of game. However, we realized it’s more difficult than imagined in practice because the game should be user friendly and we have to design a database to store pictures, data and link. We took a lot of time to think about expendable ability and maintaining issue in the future. We also took some time to modify the design. Finally, we completed it.
Ecological environment is getting worse. We think can press the idea about loving earth and animals by the game at least even if we don’t have much power and ability to change the world. That’s why we set the subject of this game as Animal Puzzle.We will be glad environmental consciousness can be passed on even only few people are affected by this game.


June 29, 2011

Animal Puzzle

This is an educational and entertaining puzzle game. It introduces many distinctive or endangered animals which are from five continents. We should know about their habitual behavior and habitat. The most important thing is let our children know the animals and then love them.
We have only one earth. It gives birth to all things. Many animals live on earth with us. They live in ocean, fly in sky or inhabit barren desert or grasslands. Please open your mind to know and appreciate them. Furthermore, encourage our kids to know them more. These beautiful animals are our priceless treasures.
As long as we are willing to pay more love to the world, we will have more. Come on! Let’s know and protect the animals. Start it from heart.
Introduction of the game:
The photo will be cut into 3x3 or 4x4 disarranged pieces. You must put all puzzle pieces at the correct position. You can press “Hint” to check the whole photo or press “introduction” to see the information of the animal. When you complete it, you can set the photo as your wallpaper and go to next game.


May 15, 2011

Roulette Slot - Developer Notes

Most of foreign friends are not familiar with Roulette Slot. It’s very popular during 1970~1980 in Taiwan. You can find this kind of game facility in grocery stores. I often slipped into the store to play it and spend out my money. I found iPhone App has this kind of game, but Android doesn’t. Be a member of Android, we can’t just sit watching and do nothing. That’s why we started to develop this game. We are proud after accomplishing it.


May 13, 2011

Roulette Slot

Do you wanna play the special slot machine? Try this one (Roulette Slots) right now. It is very easy and fun, it is a popular and classic slot game in Asia. There are 8 item kinds in the game. You can bet your favorite fruit or item , and then tap the spin button. The LED lights will run around and stop at random position. If it stop at your bet item, Congratulations! you win the bonus. You also can join double bet challenge, win the double bonus or lost your origin bonus, it is very exciting. Come on , try your luck right now.

誰說android上沒有小瑪莉(麻仔台,麻阿台)可以玩? 快來試試,重溫一下小時候的經典機台吧,還記得以前放學時最愛跑去雜貨店(柑仔店)去偷偷打一場小瑪莉嗎,還是念書時在逛夜市時最喜歡玩的機台遊戲。現在就把你的手機變成小瑪莉吧,隨時隨地試試你的手氣。

April 28, 2011

Crocodile Roulette - Developer Notes

Crocodile Roulette, or called Crocodile dentist, is a common toy. Most of people have played or seen this kind of toy in the toy store or market. The original design is let the player pretend to be a dentist and extract teeth for a fearful crocodile. (This game is unusual, ridiculous and funny. Who wants to extract tooth for crocodile without purpose? Sorry for my digression, ha! Let's come back to the subject.) If you are not lucky, you will be bitten by crocodile as you extract the tooth which the ache one.  This kind of game had been made already on App. But, most of all only can bite once or one person. I question why it can't bite several times in a round. We may need to pick 2 person or more from a group when we play a game. So, we started to design an upgrade version of Crocodile Roulette. Even this game doesn't get a lot of compliments; I think the score for this idea is 90.

鱷魚咬手指或稱鱷魚牙醫是常見的小玩具,這個相信大家都在夜市或文具店都買的到或曾經玩過.他原本的設計是你是一名牙醫,你要為兇惡的鱷魚拔牙(現在想想這個故事設計很不尋常,很荒繆,也很搞笑,誰沒事會去幫鱷魚拔牙呢 XD ) , 有點離題,如果你運氣不好的話,剛好拔到鱷魚牙痛的那一顆你就會被咬.這個app其實有人做過了,但是我搜尋其他人的設計都只設計成只咬一口或只咬一個人,所以我就想到了為何不能咬多人呢?一群人在玩時常常需要找出二個人以上接受懲罰,於是我就開始動手做了,最後成品就是你們看到的這樣.雖然這個app不怎麼受好評,但我給自己創意發想的分數是90分.

April 26, 2011

Crocodile Roulette

You can't decide who buy dinner , who walk the dog , who clean the house , who wash wash dishes ... Don't worry , let crocodile to make decision for you.
It is also a game for a meeting or a birthday party. For example: You can make more fun at your party with crocodile roulette. You can decide who can drink beer at the party.
You push the tooth of crocodile and then nothing happen. You are luck. If crocodile mouth is shut, you should drink beer.
Good choice~~ Crocodile~~
It is also called "crocodile dentist" or "whose turn game".


April 10, 2011

Kid Musical Toys - Developer Notes

It’s a cool idea to make cell phone as a music toy. Some creators designed the similar games before, such as the ocarina, piano and guitar. These games seem interesting and creative. So, we started to develop a series of music toy game for children. In practice, we took more time to design the operation of game. This game needs to take cell phone as a music instrument. It should be able to operate easily if we hope this game can be fun. Furthermore, we also make graphics and interface design into a children's favorite look.


April 1, 2011

Chinese Dark Chess - Developer Notes

Chinese dark chess is a common & popular game in Chinese world. We concentrate on developing Chinese dark chess which is simpler and just played on a half chessboard instead of complete Chinese chess because many people designed the game for complete Chinese chess already.

Initially, we only designed the version of two players. AI function had been added later. We asked for trouble unexpectedly as we added AI function. It’s not easy to write the original AI artificial intelligence. The first version of AI is not smart because we try to prevent AI cheating and let AI make decision only base on the current information and the situation that have occurred. So, many users complained about AI on Android market at the beginning. Frankly speaking, we suffered from it and dared not to check the message from Android market at that time. Then, we realized such a high requirement for the free version and upgrade version around end of May. This time, we did our best to improve AI even it is still not smart enough. Interestingly, some users turn to complained AI is getting smarter and cheating. We take it as compliments.

We will not have much upgrade for AI afterwards because human brains are always smarter than AI. The only thing we considered is to do the version of online game next year. It may be more interesting to let human brains fight each other.

暗棋是華人世界裡很普遍的遊戲,由於象棋全盤的軍棋已經有很多人做了,所以把心思放在較為簡易的半盤暗棋上.初期只有做二人輪流對奕的版本,後來想了想又加入人工AI對奕的部份,沒想到是自找麻煩的開始,原來AI人工智慧這麼難寫,因為我們不打算讓電腦做弊,只能用現在的資訊及已發生的資訊來判斷電腦的最佳棋步.所以第一代的電腦AI超笨,常常在android market留這版上看到使用者駡電腦腦殘,其實我們也很難受,沒想到大家對免費版本要求這麼高,也有一陣子我很怕去看留言版.直到5月底我們才又大改版了一次,這一次電腦AI自己覺得雖然不是很聰明,但我們盡力了電腦AI已經有一般的表現,甚至有使用者留言又駡說改版後電腦變聰明了做弊......就把他當做對AI的讚美吧.之後應該很少會再對AI做大幅變動,因為我們覺得AI怎麼改都沒有人來的聰明,所以可能會考慮在明年初出個網路對戰版本,就讓人腦對決人腦才有意思吧.

March 13, 2011

Chinese Dark Chess

Chinese Dark Chess , or Half Chess, is a two-player Chinese board game played on a 4x8 grid, or half of the board. Most games last between ten and twenty minutes, but advanced games can go on for an hour or more. Chinese Dark Chess is a social game, usually played for fun rather than serious competition. It is easy and fun.


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